Remaining socially connected is very important to quality of life as we age. Whether it’s the ability to see family and friends or to participate in events that are of interest.  With a little research you’ll be able to find interest groups that match your own, charitable organizations that need support or volunteers, clubs or other organizations to which you can belong.  As previously discussed remaining socially connected may be more difficult if transportation is an issue, however for those determined to remain connected there are ways to do so.  Remaining socially connected supports quality of life, sense of belonging, self esteem and the sense that one can still remain independent and care for themselves, all very important aspects of successful aging.

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About Pamela Wilson

PAMELA D. WILSON, MS, BS/BA, NCG, CSA helps caregivers and aging adults solve caregiving problems and manage caregiving needs through online programs, live support groups, and an extensive caregiving library that includes articles, podcasts, videos, and webinars.

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