You’re doing your best to be independent and don’t want to rely on or ask your children for help, however you recognize that you do need help. You ask a few friends about their experiences and how they’re coping with advancing age and the inability to do things that once were easy. They are experiencing some of the same issues. You all have different abilities so you decide to help one another. However there are areas you all have in common, difficulty with housekeeping and meals. Why not share a homemaker? By pooling your resources and hiring a homemaker you can share services and obtain needed assistance. I often arrange this type of assistance for my clients and am able to find a single care provider who can share assistance for several neighbors or friends so that it’s cost effective for all.

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About Pamela Wilson

PAMELA D. WILSON, MS, BS/BA, NCG, CSA helps caregivers and aging adults solve caregiving problems and manage caregiving needs through online programs, live support groups, and an extensive caregiving library that includes articles, podcasts, videos, and webinars.

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