Many financial planners paint a picture of retirement as the “golden years”; as the years where we live out our dreams. Not many financial planners talk about the realities of healthcare including the personal, financial and emotional costs. Why bring up an unhappy subject when trying to build the case of saving for the dream? It’s because most financial planners have expertise in the mechanical aspects of return on investment. Don’t get me wrong, this is a very important expertise; otherwise we’d all be spinning our wheels trying to figure out how to make mountains out of our small molehills of money. But there is value in expertise about planning for the last several years of our lives. This expertise doesn’t come from financial planners, or physicians or attorneys. It usually comes from the school of life or being in the moment of the experience. I was in this place over ten years ago when my parents were experiencing the last years of there life. Unfortunately there was no one to help and I and my siblings made a lot of mistakes. Thus my personal passion and invention of care navigation so that people should not have to go through the realities of healthcare by themselves.

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About Pamela Wilson

PAMELA D. WILSON, MS, BS/BA, NCG, CSA helps caregivers and aging adults solve caregiving problems and manage caregiving needs through online programs, live support groups, and an extensive caregiving library that includes articles, podcasts, videos, and webinars.

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