This practical human resource management caregiver program combines tips for the care of elderly parents at home that include health, wellness, caregiving, life planning, and workplace skills. And, best of all, the program is complimentary.

This Online Digital Caregiver Program Is For:

  • Workplaces interested in supporting working caregivers
  • Family caregivers who want practical and proven information on specific topics to manage care for grandparents, parents, spouses, and siblings

Learn how caregiving programs like Taking Care of Elderly Parents can increase participation in human resource employee health and wellness programs.

Click the red button in the photo below to watch Pamela’s webinar about the importance of workplace programs for family caregivers.

Elder Care Program Offers Practical Skills and Learning Experiences

Are employees of your company struggling to care for their elderly parents? This human resource management caregiver program may be the answer to helping employees maintain employment while learning the details of caring for aging family members.

Many EAPs (employee assistance providers) offer caregiver support programs that come at a cost. These programs include information and referral programs, counseling, and education.

If you are a small company without a caregiver support budget many of these programs may be financially out of your reach. For this reason, this complimentary educational and informational program is available on this website to support the mission of reaching and helping family caregivers worldwide.

Curious? Check Out the Open-Course Program HERE.

Human resource management caregiver programs that are of the greatest benefit include flexible work hours, time off to take loved ones to medical appointments, and information about managing daily care including hiring outside assistance.

Even still, many employees find themselves searching the Internet for specific assistance on a wide variety of topics. This eldercare program offers in-depth knowledge of what it takes to care for elderly parents that link to important skills in the workplace.

  • Soft skills—essential to elder care success—are also known as social and emotional learning. Family caregiving relationships benefit from learning how to engage with the healthcare system, collaborate, cultivate open-mindedness, empathy, collaboration, teamwork, emotional regulation, critical thinking, self-control, and persistence.
  • Functional skills discussed in this digital caregiver program are relevant to many aspects of caring for the elderly. These include written communication, research and investigation, information management, planning, and implementation that are involved in the care management techniques discussed in this caregiver program.
  • Financial, legal, and retirement planning apply to caregiving employees as well as elderly parents. Employees may delay participation in these activities without relevant discussions about the long-term benefits. Talking about money is a theme of this digital caregiver program that opens the door for caregivers to talk about money within their families and with elderly parents. Discussed are the costs of care for the elderly in addition to the negative career and associated economic effects on women who leave the workforce to raise children and care for aging parents.
  • Insights into health beliefs, lifestyle habits, and the effects of chronic disease raise awareness and drive preventive behaviors. Through information provided in this program, working caregivers have the tools to maintain the health of elderly parents, avoid emergency room visits, and manage increasing care costs.
  • Tips to improve collaboration with the healthcare system lower stress when caregivers are unaware of how to advocate for care. Wilson’s experience as a court-appointed guardian, medical and financial power of attorney, trustee, and the personal representative of the state offers an unparalleled and rare insight into care for elderly parents. Participants will gain confidence and raise self-esteem while achieving better care for elderly parents.

How to Link HR Best Practices with Concerns of Working Caregivers

This human resource management caregiver program links HR best practices to support the struggles of working caregivers. As employee caregivers become distracted by the increasing care needs of elderly parents—absenteeism increases, and productivity and presenteeism decrease. Being a caregiver combines many of the most stressful experiences of life.

Worries about job security become incessant. Promoting discussions about elder care—like family and child care—are essential to supporting employees caring for elderly family members. Training and leveraging the technology of this digital caregiver program make it easy for employees to access the information 24/7.

The Struggles of Family Caregivers Are Growing

The aging population of the United States and the increasing need to care for elderly family members place a great burden on working caregivers and employers. The link between wellness programs and caregiving are discussions about chronic disease prevention and management, a focus of this program about caring for elderly parents. Human resources management caregiver programs are essential to address caregiving issues that will continue to grow as a result of the aging population and issues brought forth by the coronavirus.

According to the U. S. Bureau of Labor Standards (1)

  • 40.4 million people in the United States provide unpaid eldercare
  • 26% spend an average of 3.4 hours a day — and more than 20 hours a week — providing care for elders
  • Caregivers aged 15-34 are more likely to care for a grandparent with those 35-64 more likely to care for a parent or a spouse
  • 58% of caregivers are women

Human Resource Management Caregiver ProgramsAs time devoted to caregiving for elderly parents increases, caregiver stress skyrockets. In addition to juggling work and career, caregivers experience a wide range of emotions that include exhaustion, worry about money to pay for care, relationships with family members, and concerns about making mistakes that might harm loved ones.


These are common feelings when caregivers hesitate to seek help or don’t realize that support exists.

  • Burnout and overwhelming paralysis that results in delaying or not making important decisions
  • Criticism from family members who believe that the caregiver is making mistakes
  • Demanding elderly parents who lack empathy about the work-life demands of adult children
  • Caregivers being apologetic or embarrassed about the behavior of loved ones
  • Role overload results from caregivers trying to do everything: manage a career, raise children, attend school, maintain relationships and make time for self-care
  • Lack of knowledge about resources and how to Investigate and navigate care services
  • A sense of dread and feelings of coping to get through each day

Why Human Resource Management Should Offer Caregiver Programs

Corporate programs have not yet fully recognized the effects of the looming caregiving eldercare crises on workplace productivity and employee turnover. The Caring Company report from Harvard Business School cites: (2)

  • 52% of employers do not track data on employee caregiving responsibilities
  • Few employees are willing to inform organizations about caregiving responsibilities due. Fear exists of consequences to careers that include family responsibility caregiver discrimination
  • Younger workers, higher knowledge workers, and higher-earning workers are more likely to leave a job over caregiving duties
  • 33% of workers quit a job because of caregiving responsibilities

The Features of Pamela’s 52-Hour Digital Caregiver Program

This extraordinary program for caregivers enables participants to learn and implement care management techniques developed by Wilson and used in her care navigation business, serving the elderly and their caregivers. The far-reaching goal of this digital caregiving program goal is to help participants proactively manage health, daily care, prevent emergencies, and plan for the future for themselves and their elderly loved ones. Care for Elderly Parents at Home

The practical skills emphasized in this program translate to usable skills in the workplace. Included are:

  • Eight modules of information with 70 webinar lessons spanning 28 hours of practical step-by-step information for caregivers that link to skills applicable in the workplace.
  • Twenty-four hours of podcasts supplement the lessons to create this one-of-a-kind 52-hour digital human resource caregiver program

This Digital Caregiver Program is Extraordinarily Relevant, Proven, and Effective

Wilson’s digital caregiver program, Taking Care of Elderly Parents Stay at Home and Beyond offers a start-to-finish plan to manage care for aging loved ones. Experience in managing one-to-one care for clients and working with caregiving families for more than 20 years allows Wilson to share personal anecdotes and real stories to connect with participants. The program offers an online community for participants to encourage the sharing and exchange of ideas.

After completing Taking Care of Elderly Parents Stay at Home and Beyond, participants should be able to combine skills used in the workplace with skills to manage care for elderly loved ones.

  • Problem-solving
  • Decision making
  • Planning, organizing, and prioritizing
  • Obtaining, evaluating, and utilizing information
  • Self-awareness
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Confidence and self-esteem
  • Written and verbal communication
  • Teamwork
  • Relationship building
  • Empathy and compassion
  • Lifestyle effects on health and well-being
  • Self-care
  • Empowerment

All of the information caregivers need to succeed in helping elderly parents stay at home or eventually move to a care community is in this single program for caregivers. This program serves as a bridge between caregiver awareness programs for working caregivers and ongoing discussions about caregiving in the workplace and beyond.


1) U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Unpaid Eldercare in the United States 2017-1018 Summary. 11/22,2019 www.

2) The Caring Company. Managing the Future of Work. Harvard Business.

©2019, 2020, 2022 Pamela D. Wilson All Rights Reserved

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